Package 'RcppAlgos'

Title: High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
Description: Provides optimized functions and flexible combinatorial iterators implemented in C++ for solving problems in combinatorics and computational mathematics. Utilizes the RMatrix class from 'RcppParallel' for thread safety. There are combination/permutation functions with constraint parameters that allow for generation of all results of a vector meeting specific criteria (e.g. generating integer partitions/compositions or finding all combinations such that the sum is between two bounds). Capable of generating specific combinations/permutations (e.g. retrieve only the nth lexicographical result) which sets up nicely for parallelization as well as random sampling. Gmp support permits exploration where the total number of results is large (e.g. comboSample(10000, 500, n = 4)). Additionally, there are several high performance number theoretic functions that are useful for problems common in computational mathematics. Some of these functions make use of the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The primeSieve function is based on the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes implementation by Kim Walisch. It is also efficient for large numbers by using the cache friendly improvements originally developed by Tomás Oliveira. Finally, there is a prime counting function that implements Legendre's formula based on the work of Kim Walisch.
Authors: Joseph Wood [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Joseph Wood <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=2)
Version: 2.8.5
Built: 2024-10-11 02:18:22 UTC

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High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics


The RcppAlgos package attacks age-old problems in combinatorics and computational mathematics.


  1. The main goal is to encourage fresh and creative approaches to foundational problems. The question that most appropriately summarizes RcppAlgos is: "Can we do better?".

  2. Provide highly optimized functions that facilitates a broader spectrum of researchable cases. E.g

    • Investigating the structure of large numbers over wide ranges:

      • primeFactorizeSieve(10^13 - 10^7, 10^13 + 10^7)

      • primeSieve(2^53 - 10^10, 2^53 - 1, nThreads = 32)

    • Easily explore combinations/permutations/partitions that would otherwise be inaccessible due to time of execution/memory constraints:

      • c_iter = comboIter(10000, 100)
        bigSamp = gmp::urand.bigz(3, gmp::log2.bigz(comboCount(10000, 100)))
        c_iter[[bigSamp]] ## flexible iterator allows random sampling
      • p_iter = partitionsIter(5000, 100, target = 6000)
        p_iter[[1e9]] ## start iterating from index = 1e9
      • comboGeneral(150, 5, constraintFun = "sum", Parallel = TRUE)

      • parallel::mclapply(seq(...), function(x) {
                    temp = permuteGeneral(15, 10, lower = x, upper = y)
                    ## analyze permutations
                    ## output results
            }, mc.cores = detectCores() - 1))
      • partitionsGeneral(0:80, repetition = TRUE)
      • permuteSample(rnorm(100), 10, freqs = rep(1:4, 25), n = 15, seed = 123)

      • set.seed(123)
        comboGeneral(runif(42, 0, 50), 10,
                     constraintFun = "mean",
                     comparisonFun = c(">","<"),
                     limitConstraints = c(39.876, 42.123))
  3. Speed!!!.... You will find that the functions in RcppAlgos are some of the fastest of their type available in R.


Joseph Wood

S4-classes for Exposing C++ Combinatorial Classes


The Combo class family are S4-classes that expose C++ classes that provide access to iterators and other useful methods.


of "Combo" and all classes inheriting from it:


Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Retrieve the previous lexicographical result (the next reverse lexicographical result)


Pass an integer n to retrieve the previous n lexicographical results (the next n reverse lexicographical results)


Retrieve all remaining reverse lexicographical results


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


Joseph Wood

See Also

Partitions-class, Constraints-class



Number of combinations/permutations


Calculate the number of combinations/permutations of a vector chosen mm at a time with or without replacement. Additionally, these functions can calculate the number of combinations/permutations of multisets.


comboCount(v, m = NULL, ...)
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
comboCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)
## Default S3 method:
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
comboCount(v, m = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'table'
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, ...)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Number of elements to choose. If repetition = TRUE or freqs is utilized, m can exceed the length of v. If m = NULL, the length will default to length(v) or sum(freqs).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


A numerical value representing the total number of combinations/permutations.


When the number of results exceeds 25312^{53} - 1, a number of class bigz is returned.

See Also

comboGeneral, permuteGeneral


## Same interface as the respective "general" functions:
## i.e. comboGeneral & permuteGeneral

comboCount(25, 12)
permuteCount(15, 7, TRUE)
comboCount(25, 12, freqs = rep(2, 25))

## Return object of class 'bigz'
comboCount(250, 15, freqs = rep(2, 250))

Generate Combinations and Permutations of a Vector with/without Constraints


  • Generate combinations or permutations of a vector with or without constraints.

  • Produce results in parallel using the Parallel or nThreads arguments. You can also apply each of the five compiled functions given by the argument constraintFun in parallel.

  • The arguments lower and upper make it possible to generate combinations/permutations in chunks allowing for parallelization via the parallel-package. This is convenient when you want to apply a custom function to the output in parallel.

  • Attack integer partition and general subset sum problems.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of combinations/permutations of vectors with many elements.

  • The output is in lexicographical order.


comboGeneral(v, m = NULL, ...)
permuteGeneral(v, m = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
comboGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
             lower = NULL, upper = NULL, constraintFun = NULL,
             comparisonFun = NULL, limitConstraints = NULL,
             keepResults = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
             nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
permuteGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
               lower = NULL, upper = NULL, constraintFun = NULL,
               comparisonFun = NULL, limitConstraints = NULL,
               keepResults = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
               nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
    FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
    FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## Default S3 method:
comboGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
             freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
             FUN = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)
## Default S3 method:
permuteGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
               freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
               FUN = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, constraintFun = NULL,
    comparisonFun = NULL, limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL,
    FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL,
    FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, constraintFun = NULL,
    comparisonFun = NULL, limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL,
    FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL,
    FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## S3 method for class 'list'
comboGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
             freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
permuteGeneral(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
               freqs = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, ...)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Number of elements to choose. If repetition = TRUE or freqs is utilized, m can exceed the length of v. If m = NULL, the length will default to length(v) or sum(freqs).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


The lower bound. Combinations/permutations are generated lexicographically, thus utilizing this argument will determine which specific combination/permutation to start generating from (e.g. comboGeneral(5, 3, lower = 6) is equivalent to comboGeneral(5, 3)[6:choose(5, 3), ]). This argument along with upper is very useful for generating combinations/permutations in chunks allowing for easy parallelization.


The upper bound. Similar to lower, however this parameter allows the user to stop generation at a specific combination/permutation (e.g. comboGeneral(5, 3, upper = 5) is equivalent to comboGeneral(5, 3)[1:5, ])

If the output is constrained and lower isn't supplied, upper serves as a cap for how many results will be returned that meet the criteria (e.g. setting upper = 100 alone will return the first 100 results that meet the criteria, while setting lower = 1 and upper = 100 will test the first 100 results against the criteria).

In addition to the benefits listed for lower, this parameter is useful when the total number of combinations/permutations without constraint is large and you expect/need a small number of combinations/permutations that meet a certain criteria. Using upper can improve run time if used judiciously as we call the member function reserve of std::vector. See examples below.


Function to be applied to the elements of v that should be passed as a string (e.g. constraintFun = "sum"). The possible constraint functions are: "sum", "prod", "mean", "max", & "min". The default is NULL, meaning no function is applied.


Comparison operator that will be used to compare limitConstraints with the result of constraintFun applied to v. It should be passed as a string or a vector of two strings (e.g. comparisonFun = "<=" or comparisonFun = c(">","<")). The possible comparison operators are: "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==". The default is NULL.

When comparisonFun is a vector of two comparison strings, e.g comparisonFun = c(comp1, comp2), and limitConstraints is a vector of two numerical values, e.g limitConstraints = c(x1, x2), the combinations/permutations will be filtered in one of the following two ways:

  1. When comp1 is one of the 'greater-than' operators (i.e. ">=" or ">"), comp2 is one of the 'less-than' operators (i.e. "<=" or "<"), and x1 < x2, the combinations/permutations that are returned will have a value (after constraintFun has been applied) between x1 and x2.

  2. When comp1 and comp2 are defined as in #1 and x1 > x2, the combinations/permutations that are returned will have a value outside the range of x1 and x2. See the examples below.

In other words, the first comparison operator is applied to the first limit and the second operator is applied to the second limit.


This is the value(s) that will be used for comparison. Can be passed as a single value or a vector of two numerical values. The default is NULL. See the definition of comparisonFun as well as the examples below for more information.


A logical flag indicating if the result of constraintFun applied to v should be displayed; if TRUE, an additional column of results will be added to the resulting matrix. The default is FALSE. If user is only applying constraintFun, keepResults will default to TRUE.

E.g. The following are equivalent and will produce a 4th4^{th} column of row sums:

  • comboGeneral(5, 3 constraintFun = "sum", keepResults = TRUE)

  • comboGeneral(5, 3 constraintFun = "sum")


Function to be applied to each combination/permutation. The default is NULL.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be generated in parallel using n1n - 1 threads, where nn is the maximum number of threads. The default is FALSE. If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


A numeric value greater than or equal to zero. This parameter is utilized when a constraint is applied on a numeric vector. The default value is 0 when it can be determined that whole values are being utilized, otherwise it is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) which is approximately 1.5e81.5e-8. N.B. If the input vector is of type integer, this parameter will be ignored and strict equality will be enforced.


A template for the return value from FUN. See 'Details' of vapply for more information.


For the general case, finding all combinations/permutations with constraints is optimized by organizing them in such a way that when constraintFun is applied, a partially monotonic sequence is produced. Combinations/permutations are added successively, until a particular combination exceeds the given constraint value for a given constraint/comparison function combo. After this point, we can safely skip several combinations knowing that they will exceed the given constraint value.

There are special cases where more efficient algorithms are dyncamically deployed. These cases center around the subject of integer partitions. See partitionsGeneral for more information.

When there are any negative values in v and constraintFun = "prod", producing a monotonic set is non-trivial for the general case. As a result, performance will suffer as all combinations/permutations must be tested against the constraint criteria.


  • In general, a matrix with mm or m+1m + 1 columns, depending on the value of keepResults

  • If FUN is utilized and FUN.VALUE = NULL, a list is returned

  • When both FUN and FUN.VALUE are not NULL, the return is modeled after the return of vapply. See the 'Value' section of vapply.


  • Parallel and nThreads will be ignored in the following cases:

    • When the output is constrained (except for most partitions cases)

    • If the class of the vector passed is character, raw, and complex (N.B. Rcpp::CharacterMatrix is not thread safe). Alternatively, you can generate an indexing matrix in parallel.

    • If FUN is utilized.

  • If either constraintFun, comparisonFun or limitConstraints is NULL –or– if the class of the vector passed is logical, character, raw, factor, or complex, the constraint check will not be carried out. This is equivalent to simply finding all combinations/permutations of vv choose mm.

  • The maximum number of combinations/permutations that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1. Utilizing lower and upper makes it possible to generate additional combinations/permutations.

  • Factor vectors are accepted. Class and level attributes are preserved except when FUN is used.

  • Lexicographical ordering isn't guaranteed for permutations if lower isn't supplied and the output is constrained.

  • If lower is supplied and the output is constrained, the combinations/permutations that will be tested will be in the lexicographical range lower to upper or up to the total possible number of results if upper is not given. See the second paragraph for the definition of upper.

  • FUN will be ignored if the constraint check is satisfied.


Joseph Wood



comboGeneral(4, 3)

permuteGeneral(factor(letters[1:3]), repetition = TRUE)

## permutations of the multiset :
## c(1,1,1,2,2,3)

## Example with list
    v = list(
        p1 = matrix(1:10, ncol = 2),
        p2 = data.frame(a = letters, b = 1:26),
        p3 = as.complex(1:10)
    m = 2

#### Examples using "upper" and "lower":
## See specific range of permutations
permuteGeneral(75, 10, freqs = rep(1:3, 25),
               lower = 1e12, upper = 1e12 + 10)

## Researcher only needs 10 7-tuples of mySamp
## such that the sum is greater than 7200.
## Generate some random data
mySamp = rnorm(75, 997, 23)
comboGeneral(mySamp, 7, constraintFun = "sum",
             comparisonFun = ">", limitConstraints = 7200, upper = 10)

## Similarly, you can use "lower" to obtain the last rows.
## Generate the last 10 rows
comboGeneral(mySamp, 7, lower = choose(75, 7) - 9)

## Or if you would like to generate a specific chunk,
## use both "lower" and "upper". E.g. Generate one
## million combinations starting with the 900,000,001
## lexicographic combination.
t1 = comboGeneral(mySamp, 7,
                  lower = 9*10^8 + 1,
                  upper = 9*10^8 + 10^6)

## class of the source vector is preserved
class(comboGeneral(5,3)[1,]) == class(1:5)
class(comboGeneral(c(1,2:5),3)[1,]) == class(c(1,2:5))
class(comboGeneral(factor(,3)[1,]) == class(factor(

## Using keepResults will add a column of results
comboGeneral(-3, 6, TRUE,
             constraintFun = "sum",
             comparisonFun = "==",
             limitConstraints = -8,
             keepResults = TRUE)

## Using multiple constraints:

## Get combinations such that the product
## is between 3000 and 4000 inclusive
comboGeneral(5, 7, TRUE, constraintFun = "prod",
             comparisonFun = c(">=","<="),
             limitConstraints = c(3000, 4000),
             keepResults = TRUE)

## Or, get the combinations such that the
## product is less than or equal to 10 or
## greater than or equal to 40000
comboGeneral(5, 7, TRUE, constraintFun = "prod",
             comparisonFun = c("<=",">="),
             limitConstraints = c(10, 40000),
             keepResults = TRUE)

#### General subset sum problem
comboGeneral(runif(100, 0, 42), 5, constraintFun = "mean",
             comparisonFun = "==", limitConstraints = 30,
             tolerance = 0.0000002)

#### Integer Partitions
comboGeneral(0:5, 5, TRUE, constraintFun = "sum",
             comparisonFun = "==", limitConstraints = 5)

## Using FUN
comboGeneral(10000, 5, lower = 20, upper = 22,
             FUN = function(x) {
                 which(cummax(x) %% 2 == 1)

## Not run: 
## Parallel example generating more than 2^31 - 1 combinations.
numCores = detectCores() - 1

## 10086780 evenly divides choose(35, 15) and is "small enough" to
## generate quickly in chunks.
system.time(mclapply(seq(1, comboCount(35, 15), 10086780), function(x) {
    a = comboGeneral(35, 15, lower = x, upper = x + 10086779)
    ## do something
}, mc.cores = numCores))

## Find 13-tuple combinations of 1:25 such
## that the mean is less than 10
system.time(myComb <- comboGeneral(25, 13, FALSE,
                                   constraintFun = "mean",
                                   comparisonFun = "<",
                                   limitConstraints = 10))

## Alternatively, you must generate all combinations and subsequently
## subset to obtain the combinations that meet the criteria
system.time(myComb2 <- combn(25, 13))
system.time(myCols <- which(colMeans(myComb2) < 10))
system.time(myComb2 <- myComb2[, myCols])

## Any variation is much slower
system.time(myComb2 <- combn(25, 13)[,combn(25, 13, mean) < 10])

## Test equality with myComb above
all.equal(myComb, t(myComb2))

## Fun example... see stackoverflow:
system.time(permuteGeneral(seq(0L,100L,10L), 8, TRUE,
                           constraintFun = "sum",
                           comparisonFun = "==",
                           limitConstraints = 100))

## These are called weak integer compositions. Below, we call
## compositionsGeneral which gives the same output except it
## in lexicographical order. See 'Note' above
system.time(compositionsGeneral(seq(0L,100L,10L), 8, TRUE, weak = TRUE))

## End(Not run)

Efficient Version of expand.grid Where order Does Not Matter


This function efficiently generates Cartesian-product-like output where order does not matter. It is loosely equivalent to the following:

  • t = expand.grid(list)

  • t = t[, t), ]

  • key = apply(t, 1, function(x) paste0(sort(x), collapse = ""))

  • t[!duplicated(key), ]


comboGrid(..., repetition = TRUE)



vectors, factors or a list containing these. (See ?expand.grid).


Logical value indicating whether results should be with or without repetition. The default is TRUE.


If items with different classes are passed, a data frame will be returned, otherwise a matrix will be returned.


Joseph Wood


## return a matrix
expGridNoOrder = comboGrid(1:5, 3:9, letters[1:5], letters[c(1,4,5,8)])

expGridNoOrderNoRep = comboGrid(1:5, 3:9, letters[1:5],
                                letters[c(1,4,5,8)], repetition = FALSE)


Partition a Vector into Groups


  • Generate partitions of a vector into groups. See Create Combinations in R by Groups on for a direct use case of when the groups sizes are equal.

  • Produce results in parallel using the Parallel or nThreads arguments.

  • GMP support allows for exploration where the number of results is large.

  • The output is in lexicographical order by groups.


comboGroups(v, numGroups = NULL, grpSizes = NULL,
            retType = "matrix", lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
            Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


An Integer. The number of groups that the vector will be partitioned into. The default is NULL. If provided and grpSize is NULL, it must divide the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A vector of whole numbers representing the size of each group. The default is NULL. If provided, the sum of the elements must total the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A string, "3Darray" or "matrix", that determines the shape of the output. The default is "matrix". Note, "3Darray" can only be used when the size of each group is uniform. When the size of each group varies, the return output will always be a matrix.


The lower bound. Partitions of groups are generated lexicographically, thus utilizing this argument will determine which specific result to start generating from (e.g. comboGroups(8, 2, lower = 30) is equivalent to comboGroups(8, 2)[30:comboGroupsCount(8, 2), ]). This argument along with upper is very useful for generating results in chunks allowing for easy parallelization.


The upper bound. Similar to lower, however this parameter allows the user to stop generation at a specific result (e.g. comboGroups(8, 2, upper = 5) is equivalent to comboGroups(8, 2)[1:5, ])


Logical value indicating whether results should be generated in parallel using n1n - 1 threads, where nn is the maximum number of threads. The default is FALSE. If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


Conceptually, this problem can be viewed as generating all permutations of the vector v and removing the within group permutations. To illustrate this, let us consider the case of generating partitions of 1:8 into 2 groups each of size 4.

  • To begin, generate the permutations of 1:8 and group the first/last four elements of each row.

    Grp1 Grp2
    C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
    R1 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 6 7 8 |
    R2 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 6 8 7 |
    R3 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 7 6 8 |
    R4 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 7 8 6 |
    R5 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 8 6 7 |
    R6 | 1 2 3 4 | | 5 8 7 6 |
  • Note that the permutations above are equivalent partitions of 2 groups of size 4 as only the last four elements are permuted. If we look at at the 25th25^{th} lexicographical permutation, we observe our second distinct partition.

    Grp1 Grp2
    C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
    R24 | 1 2 3 4 | | 8 7 6 5 |
    R25 | 1 2 3 5 | | 4 6 7 8 |
    R26 | 1 2 3 5 | | 4 6 8 7 |
    R27 | 1 2 3 5 | | 4 7 6 8 |
    R28 | 1 2 3 5 | | 4 7 8 6 |
  • Continuing on, we will reach the 3,457th3,457^{th} lexicographical permutation, which represents the last result:

    Grp1 Grp2
    C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
    R3454 | 1 6 7 5 | |8 3 4 2 |
    R3455 | 1 6 7 5 | |8 4 2 3 |
    R3456 | 1 6 7 5 | |8 4 3 2 |
    R3457 | 1 6 7 8 | | 2 3 4 5 |
    R3458 | 1 6 7 8 | |2 3 5 4 |
  • For this small example, the method above will not be that computationally expensive. In fact, there are only 35 total partitions of 1:8 into 2 groups of size 4 out of a possible factorial(8) = 40320 permutations. However, just doubling the size of the vector will make this approach infeasible as there are over 10 trillion permutations of 1:16.

  • The algorithm in comboGroups avoids these duplicate partitions of groups by utilizing an efficient algorithm analogous to the std::next_permutation found in the standard algorithm library in C++.


By default, a matrix is returned with column names corresponding to the associated group. If retType = "3Darray", a named 3D array is returned.


  • The maximum number of partitions of groups that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1. Utilizing lower and upper makes it possible to generate additional combinations/permutations.

  • The length of grpSizes must equal numGroups if both grpSize and numGroups are provided.


Joseph Wood


## return a matrix
comboGroups(8, 2)

## or a 3 dimensional array
temp = comboGroups(8, 2, retType = "3Darray")

## view the first partition
temp[1, , ]

## Example with groups of varying size
comboGroups(8, grpSizes = c(3, 5))

total = comboGroupsCount(11, grpSizes = c(3, 3, 5))

## Start generating from particular index
comboGroups(11, grpSizes = c(3, 3, 5), lower = total - 20)

S4-class for Exposing C++ ComboGroups Class


The ComboGroups class is an S4-class that exposes C++ classes that provide access to iterators and other useful methods.



Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


Joseph Wood

See Also

Combo-class, Constraints-class, Partitions-class



Number of Partitions of a Vector into Groups


Calculate the number of partitions of a vector into groups. See the related integer sequences A025035-A025042 at OEIS (E.g. A025036 for Number of partitions of 1,2,...,4n1, 2, ..., 4n into sets of size 4.)


comboGroupsCount(v, numGroups = NULL, grpSizes = NULL)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


An Integer. The number of groups that the vector will be partitioned into. The default is NULL. If provided and grpSize is NULL, it must divide the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A vector of whole numbers representing the size of each group. The default is NULL. If provided, the sum of the elements must total the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A numerical value representing the total number of partitions of groups.


When the number of results exceeds 25312^{53} - 1, a number of class bigz is returned.


Joseph Wood


OEIS Integer Sequence A025036


comboGroupsCount(16, 4)
comboGroupsCount(16, grpSizes = c(1:4, 6))
comboGroupsCount(28, grpSizes = rep(2:5, each = 2))

comboGroups Iterator


  • Returns an iterator for iterating over partitions of a vector into groups.

  • Supports random access via the [[ method.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of cases where the number of comboGroups is large.

  • Use the next methods to obtain results in lexicographical order.


comboGroupsIter(v, numGroups = NULL, grpSizes = NULL,
                retType = "matrix", Parallel = FALSE,
                nThreads = NULL)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


An Integer. The number of groups that the vector will be partitioned into. The default is NULL. If provided and grpSize is NULL, it must divide the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A vector of whole numbers representing the size of each group. The default is NULL. If provided, the sum of the elements must total the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A string, "3Darray" or "matrix", that determines the shape of the output. The default is "matrix". Note, "3Darray" can only be used when the size of each group is uniform. When the size of each group varies, the return output will always be a matrix.


Logical value indicating whether results should be generated in parallel using n1n - 1 threads, where nn is the maximum number of threads. The default is FALSE. If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


Once you initialize a new iterator, the following methods are available:


Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


  • If nextIter is called, a named vector is returned if retType = "matrix". If retType = "3Darray", a named matrix is returned.

  • Otherwise a named matrix is returned when retType = "matrix" and a named 3D array is returned when retType = "3Darray".


  • If nThreads is utilized, it will only take effect if the number of elements requested is greater than some threshold (determined internally). E.g:

    serial   <- comboGroupsIter(50, 10)
    multi    <- comboGroupsIter(50, 10, nThreads = 4)
    fetch1e6 <- multi@nextNIter(1e6)  ## much faster than serial@nextNIter(1e6)
    fetch1e3 <- multi@nextNIter(1e3)  ## only one thread used... same as serial@nextNIter(1e3)
    microbenchmark(multi@nextNIter(1e6), serial@nextNIter(1e6), times = 20)
    microbenchmark(multi@nextNIter(1e3), serial@nextNIter(1e3), times = 20)
  • The maximum number of comboGroups that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1.


Joseph Wood

See Also



a = comboGroupsIter(12, 3)
all_remaining = a@nextRemaining()
a[[c(1, 17, 3)]]

Sample Partitions of a Vector into Groups


  • Generate a specific (lexicographically) or random sample of partitions of groups.

  • Produce results in parallel using the Parallel or nThreads arguments.

  • GMP support allows for exploration where the number of results is large.


comboGroupsSample(v, numGroups = NULL, grpSizes = NULL, retType = "matrix",
                  n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
                  nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


An Integer. The number of groups that the vector will be partitioned into. The default is NULL. If provided and grpSize is NULL, it must divide the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A vector of whole numbers representing the size of each group. The default is NULL. If provided, the sum of the elements must total the length of v (if v is a vector) or v (if v is a scalar).


A string, "3Darray" or "matrix", that determines the shape of the output. The default is "matrix". Note, "3Darray" can only be used when the size of each group is uniform. When the size of each group varies, the return output will always be a matrix.


Number of results to return. The default is NULL.


A vector of numbers representing the lexicographical partition of groups to return. Accepts vectors of class bigz as well as vectors of characters


Random seed initialization. The default is NULL. N.B. If the gmp library is needed, this parameter must be set in order to have reproducible results (E.g set.seed() has no effect in these cases).


Logical value indicating whether results should be generated in parallel. The default is FALSE. If TRUE and nThreads = NULL, the number of threads used is equal to the minimum of one minus the number of threads available on your system and the number of results requested (e.g. if user has 16 threads and only needs 5 results, 5 threads will be used (i.e. min(16 - 1, 5) = 5)). If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


Logical flag. If TRUE, rownames corresponding to the lexicographical result, will be added to the returned matrix. The default is FALSE.


These algorithms rely on efficiently generating the nthn^{th} lexicographical result.


By default, a matrix is returned with column names corresponding to the associated group. If retType = "3Darray", a 3D array is returned.


Joseph Wood


Lexicographical order


## generate 10 random partitions of groups of equal size
comboGroupsSample(10, 2, n = 10, seed = 123)

## generate 10 random partitions of groups of varying sizes
comboGroupsSample(10, grpSizes = 1:4, n = 10, seed = 123)

## using sampleVec to generate specific results
comboGroupsSample(15, 5, sampleVec = c(1, 100, 1e3, 1e6))

all.equal(comboGroupsSample(10, 5,
            sampleVec = 1:comboGroupsCount(10, 5)),
         comboGroups(10, 5))

## Examples with enormous number of total results
num = comboGroupsCount(100, 20)
## [1] 325.5498

first = gmp::urand.bigz(n = 1, size = 325, seed = 123)
mySamp =, lapply(0:10, function(x) gmp::add.bigz(first, x)))

## [1] "bigz"

## using the sampling function
cbgSamp = comboGroupsSample(100, 20, sampleVec = mySamp)

## using the standard function
cbgGeneral = comboGroups(100, 20,
                         lower = first,
                         upper = gmp::add.bigz(first, 10))

identical(cbgSamp, cbgGeneral)
## [1] TRUE

## Not run: 
## Using Parallel
system.time(comboGroupsSample(1000, 20, n = 80, seed = 10, Parallel = TRUE))

## End(Not run)

Combination and Permutation Iterator


  • Returns an iterator for iterating over combinations or permutations of a vector with or without constraints.

  • Supports random access via the [[ method.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of combinations/permutations of vectors with many elements.

  • The output is in lexicographical order for the next methods and reverse lexicographical order for the prev methods.

  • Learn more in vignette("iterators").


comboIter(v, m = NULL, ...)
permuteIter(v, m = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
comboIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
          constraintFun = NULL, comparisonFun = NULL,
          limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL,
          FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL,
          tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
permuteIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
            constraintFun = NULL, comparisonFun = NULL,
            limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL,
            FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL,
            tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, constraintFun = NULL, comparisonFun = NULL,
    limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, constraintFun = NULL, comparisonFun = NULL,
    limitConstraints = NULL, keepResults = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## S3 method for class 'list'
comboIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
permuteIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Number of elements to choose. If repetition = TRUE or freqs is utilized, m can exceed the length of v. If m = NULL, the length will default to length(v) or sum(freqs).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Function to be applied to the elements of v that should be passed as a string (e.g. constraintFun = "sum"). The possible constraint functions are: "sum", "prod", "mean", "max", & "min". The default is NULL, meaning no function is applied.


Comparison operator that will be used to compare limitConstraints with the result of constraintFun applied to v. It should be passed as a string or a vector of two strings (e.g. comparisonFun = "<=" or comparisonFun = c(">","<")). The possible comparison operators are: "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==". The default is NULL.

When comparisonFun is a vector of two comparison strings, e.g comparisonFun = c(comp1, comp2), and limitConstraints is a vector of two numerical values, e.g limitConstraints = c(x1, x2), the combinations/permutations will be filtered in one of the following two ways:

  1. When comp1 is one of the 'greater-than' operators (i.e. ">=" or ">"), comp2 is one of the 'less-than' operators (i.e. "<=" or "<"), and x1 < x2, the combinations/permutations that are returned will have a value (after constraintFun has been applied) between x1 and x2.

  2. When comp1 and comp2 are defined as in #1 and x1 > x2, the combinations/permutations that are returned will have a value outside the range of x1 and x2. See the examples below.

In other words, the first comparison operator is applied to the first limit and the second operator is applied to the second limit.


This is the value(s) that will be used for comparison. Can be passed as a single value or a vector of two numerical values. The default is NULL. See the definition of comparisonFun as well as the examples below for more information.


A logical flag indicating if the result of constraintFun applied to v should be displayed; if TRUE, an additional column of results will be added to the resulting matrix. The default is FALSE. If user is only applying constraintFun, keepResults will default to TRUE.


Function to be applied to each combination/permutation. The default is NULL.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be generated in parallel using n1n - 1 threads, where nn is the maximum number of threads. The default is FALSE. If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


A numeric value greater than or equal to zero. This parameter is utilized when a constraint is applied on a numeric vector. The default value is 0 when it can be determined that whole values are being utilized, otherwise it is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) which is approximately 1.5e81.5e-8. N.B. If the input vector is of type integer, this parameter will be ignored and strict equality will be enforced.


A template for the return value from FUN. See 'Details' of vapply for more information.


Once you initialize a new iterator, the following methods are available via @ (e.g. a@nextIter()) or $ (e.g. a$nextIter()). The preferred practice is to use @ as it is much more efficient (See examples below). Also note that not all of the methods below are available in all cases. See Combo-class, Constraints-class, and Partitions-class:


Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Retrieve the previous lexicographical result (the next reverse lexicographical result)


Pass an integer n to retrieve the previous n lexicographical results (the next n reverse lexicographical results)


Retrieve all remaining reverse lexicographical results


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


  • If nextIter or prevIter is called, a vector is returned

  • Otherwise, a matrix with mm or m+1m + 1 columns, depending on the value of keepResults

  • If FUN is utilized, FUN.VALUE = NULL, and either nextIter or prevIter is called, the result will be determined by FUN, otherwise a list is returned.

  • When both FUN and FUN.VALUE are not NULL, the return is modeled after the return of vapply. See the 'Value' section of vapply.


  • Parallel and nThreads will be ignored in the following cases:

    • When the output is constrained (except for most partitions cases)

    • If the class of the vector passed is character, raw, and complex (N.B. Rcpp::CharacterMatrix is not thread safe). Alternatively, you can generate an indexing matrix in parallel.

    • If FUN is utilized.

  • If either constraintFun, comparisonFun or limitConstraints is NULL –or– if the class of the vector passed is logical, character, raw, factor, or complex, the constraint check will not be carried out. This is equivalent to simply finding all combinations/permutations of vv choose mm.

  • The maximum number of combinations/permutations that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1.

  • Factor vectors are accepted. Class and level attributes are preserved except when FUN is used.

  • Lexicographical ordering isn't guaranteed for permutations if the output is constrained.

  • FUN will be ignored if the constraint check is satisfied.


Joseph Wood


See Also

comboGeneral, permuteGeneral


## Typical usage
a = permuteIter(unique(state.region))
a[[c(1, 17, 3)]]

## See examples for comboGeneral where lower and upper are used
mySamp = sort(rnorm(75, 997, 23))

b = comboIter(mySamp, 7,
              constraintFun = "sum",
              comparisonFun = ">",
              limitConstraints = 7200)

## Not run: 
## We don't have random access or previous methods
#> Error: no slot of name "back" for this object of class "Constraints"
#> Error: no slot of name "prevIter" for this object of class "Constraints"

## End(Not run)

Rank Combinations and Permutations


  • Generate the rank (lexicographically) of combinations/permutations. These functions are the complement to comboSample and permuteSample. See the examples below.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of combinations/permutations of vectors with many elements.


comboRank(..., v, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL)
permuteRank(..., v, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL)



vectors or matrices to be ranked.


Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


These algorithms rely on efficiently ranking the nthn^{th} lexicographical combination/permutation.


A vector of class integer, numeric, or bigz determined by the total number of combinations/permutations


v must be supplied.


Joseph Wood


Lexicographical order ranking/unranking

See Also

comboSample, permuteSample


mySamp = comboSample(30, 8, TRUE, n = 5, seed = 10, namedSample = TRUE)
myRank = comboRank(mySamp, v = 30, repetition = TRUE)
all.equal(as.integer(rownames(mySamp)), myRank)

Sample Combinations and Permutations


  • Generate a specific (lexicographically) or random sample of combinations/permutations.

  • Produce results in parallel using the Parallel or nThreads arguments.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of combinations/permutations of vectors with many elements.


comboSample(v, m = NULL, ...)
permuteSample(v, m = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
comboSample(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
            sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
            nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
permuteSample(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
              sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
              nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
    nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'factor'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, Parallel = FALSE,
    nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL,
    seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL,
    seed = NULL, FUN = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, FUN = NULL,
    Parallel = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, FUN.VALUE = NULL, ...

## S3 method for class 'list'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...
## S3 method for class 'list'
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Number of elements to choose. If repetition = TRUE or freqs is utilized, m can exceed the length of v. If m = NULL, the length will default to length(v) or sum(freqs).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Number of combinations/permutations to return. The default is NULL.


A vector of indices representing the lexicographical combination/permutations to return. Accepts whole numbers as well as vectors of class bigz as well as vectors of characters


Random seed initialization. The default is NULL. N.B. If the gmp library is needed, this parameter must be set in order to have reproducible results (E.g set.seed() has no effect in these cases).


Function to be applied to each combination/permutation. The default is NULL.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be generated in parallel. The default is FALSE. If TRUE and nThreads = NULL, the number of threads used is equal to the minimum of one minus the number of threads available on your system and the number of results requested (e.g. if user has 16 threads and only needs 5 results, 5 threads will be used (i.e. min(16 - 1, 5) = 5)). If nThreads is not NULL, it will be given preference (e.g. if user has 8 threads with Parallel = TRUE and nThreads = 4, only 4 threads will be spawned). If your system is single-threaded, the arguments Parallel and nThreads are ignored.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL. See Parallel.


Logical flag. If TRUE, rownames corresponding to the lexicographical combination/permutation, will be added to the returned matrix. The default is FALSE.


A template for the return value from FUN. See 'Details' of vapply for more information.


These algorithms rely on efficiently generating the nthn^{th} lexicographical combination/permutation. This is the process of unranking.


  • In general, a matrix with mm or m+1m + 1 columns, depending on the value of keepResults

  • If FUN is utilized and FUN.VALUE = NULL, a list is returned

  • When both FUN and FUN.VALUE are not NULL, the return is modeled after the return of vapply. See the 'Value' section of vapply.


  • Parallel and nThreads will be ignored in the following cases:

    • If the class of the vector passed is character (N.B. Rcpp::CharacterMatrix is not thread safe). Alternatively, you can generate an indexing matrix in parallel.

    • If FUN is utilized.

  • n and sampleVec cannot both be NULL.

  • Factor vectors are accepted. Class and level attributes are preserved except when FUN is used.


Joseph Wood


Lexicographical order

See Also

comboRank, permuteRank


## generate 10 random combinations
comboSample(30, 8, TRUE, n = 5, seed = 10)

## Using sampleVec to generate specific permutations
fqs   = c(1,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,1)
s_idx = c(1, 10^2, 10^5, 10^8, 10^11)

permuteSample(15, 10, freqs = fqs, sampleVec = s_idx)

## Same example using 'table' method
permuteSample(table(rep(1:15, times = fqs)), 10, sampleVec = s_idx)

## Generate each result one by one...
## Same, but not as efficient as generating iteratively
all.equal(comboSample(10, 5, sampleVec = 1:comboCount(10, 5)),
          comboGeneral(10, 5))

## Examples with enormous number of total permutations
num = permuteCount(10000, 20)

first  = gmp::urand.bigz(n = 1, size = 265, seed = 123)
mySamp =, lapply(0:10, function(x) gmp::add.bigz(first, x)))


## using permuteSample
pSamp = permuteSample(10000, 20, sampleVec = mySamp)

## using permuteGeneral
pGeneral = permuteGeneral(10000, 20,
                          lower = first,
                          upper = gmp::add.bigz(first, 10))

identical(pSamp, pGeneral)

## Using nThreads
permPar = permuteSample(10000, 50, n = 8, seed = 10, nThreads = 2)

## Using FUN
permuteSample(10000, 50, n = 4, seed = 10, FUN = sd)

## Not run: 
## Using Parallel
permuteSample(10000, 50, n = 80, seed = 10, Parallel = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

S4-class for Exposing C++ Constraints Class


The Constraints class is an S4-class that exposes C++ classes that provide access to iterators and other useful methods.



Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Joseph Wood

See Also

Combo-class, Partitions-class



Vectorized Factorization (Complete)


Function for generating the complete factorization for a vector of numbers.


divisorsRcpp(v, namedList = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Vector of integers or numeric values. Non-integral values will be coerced to whole numbers.


Logical flag. If TRUE and the length(v) > 1, a named list is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


Efficient algorithm that builds on primeFactorize to generate the complete factorization of many numbers.


  • Returns an unnamed vector if length(v) == 1 regardless of the value of namedList. If v<231v < 2^{31}, the class of the returned vector will be integer, otherwise the class will be numeric.

  • If length(v) > 1, a named/unnamed list of vectors will be returned. If max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, the class of each vector will be integer, otherwise the class will be numeric.


The maximum value for each element in vv is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood


See Also



## Get the complete factorization of a single number

## Or get the complete factorization of many numbers
myVec <- sample(-1000000:1000000, 1000)
system.time(myFacs <- divisorsRcpp(myVec))

## Return named list
myFacsWithNames <- divisorsRcpp(myVec, namedList = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(divisorsRcpp(myVec, nThreads = 2))

Generate Complete Factorization for Numbers in a Range


Sieve that generates the complete factorization of all numbers between bound1 and bound2 (if supplied) or all numbers up to bound1.


divisorsSieve(bound1, bound2 = NULL, namedList = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Positive integer or numeric value.


Positive integer or numeric value.


Logical flag. If TRUE, a named list is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


This function is useful when many complete factorizations are needed. Instead of generating the complete factorization on the fly, one can reference the indices/names of the generated list.

This algorithm benefits greatly from the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The following is from

  • libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot faster.


Returns a named/unnamed list of integer vectors if max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, or a list of numeric vectors otherwise.


The maximum value for either of the bounds is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood


See Also

divisorsRcpp, primeFactorizeSieve


## Generate some random data
mySamp <- sample(10^5, 5*10^4)

## Generate complete factorizations up
## to 10^5 (max element from mySamp)
system.time(allFacs <- divisorsSieve(10^5))

## Use generated complete factorization for further
## analysis by accessing the index of allFacs
for (s in mySamp) {
    myFac <- allFacs[[s]]
    ## Continue algorithm

## Generating complete factorizations over
## a range is efficient as well
system.time(divisorsSieve(10^12, 10^12 + 10^5))

## Use nThreads for improved efficiency
system.time(divisorsSieve(10^12, 10^12 + 10^5, nThreads = 2))

## Set 'namedList' to TRUE to return a named list
divisorsSieve(27, 30, namedList = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(divisorsSieve(1e5, 2e5, nThreads = 2))

Apply Euler's Phi Function to Every Element in a Range


Sieve that generates the number of coprime elements for every number between bound1 and bound2 (if supplied) or all numbers up to bound1. This is equivalent to applying Euler's phi function (often written as ϕ(x)\phi(x)) to every number in a given range.


eulerPhiSieve(bound1, bound2 = NULL, namedVector = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Positive integer or numeric value.


Positive integer or numeric value.


Logical flag. If TRUE, a named vector is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


For the simple case (i.e. when bound2 = NULL), this algorithm first generates all primes up to nn via the sieve of Eratosthenes. We use these primes to sieve over the sequence 1:n, dividing each value by pp, creating a temporary value that will be subtracted from the original value at each index (i.e. equivalent to multiply each index by (11/p)(1 - 1/p) but more efficient as we don't have to deal with floating point numbers). The case when is.null(bound2) = FALSE is more complicated but the basic ideas still hold.

This function is very useful when you need to calculate Euler's phi function for many numbers in a range as performing this calculation on the fly can be computationally expensive.

This algorithm benefits greatly from the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The following is from

  • libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot faster.


Returns a named/unnamed integer vector if max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, or a numeric vector otherwise.


The maximum allowed value is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood



## Generate some random data
mySamp <- sample(10^6, 5*10^5)

## Generate number of coprime elements for many numbers
system.time(myPhis <- eulerPhiSieve(10^6))

## Now use result in algorithm
for (s in mySamp) {
    sPhi <- myPhis[s]
    ## Continue algorithm

## See

## Generating number of coprime elements
## for every number in a range is no problem
system.time(myPhiRange <- eulerPhiSieve(10^13, 10^13 + 10^6))

## Returning a named vector
eulerPhiSieve(10, 20, namedVector = TRUE)
eulerPhiSieve(10, namedVector = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(eulerPhiSieve(1e5, 2e5, nThreads = 2))

Vectorized Primality Test


Implementation of the Miller-Rabin primality test. Based on the "mp_prime_p" function from the "factorize.c" source file found in the gmp library:


isPrimeRcpp(v, namedVector = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Vector of integers or numeric values.


Logical flag. If TRUE, a named vector is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


The Miller-Rabin primality test is a probabilistic algorithm that makes heavy use of modular exponentiation. At the heart of modular exponentiation is the ability to accurately obtain the remainder of the product of two numbers (modp)\pmod p.

With the gmp library, producing accurate calculations for problems like this is trivial because of the nature of the multiple precision data type. However, standard C++ does not afford this luxury and simply relying on a strict translation would have limited this algorithm to numbers less than 2631\sqrt 2^{63} - 1 (N.B. We are taking advantage of the signed 64-bit fixed width integer from the stdint library in C++. If we were confined to base R, the limit would have been 2531\sqrt 2^{53} - 1). RcppAlgos::isPrimeRcpp gets around this limitation with a divide and conquer approach taking advantage of properties of arithmetic.

The problem we are trying to solve can be summarized as follows:

(x1x2)(modp)(x_1 * x_2) \pmod p

Now, we rewrite x2x_2 as x2=y1+y2++ynx_2 = y_1 + y_2 + \dots + y_n, so that we obtain:

(x1y1)(modp)+(x1y2)(modp)++(x1yn)(modp)(x_1 * y_1) \pmod p + (x_1 * y_2) \pmod p + \dots + (x_1 * y_n) \pmod p

Where each product (x1yj)(x_1 * y_j) for j<=nj <= n is smaller than the original x1x2x_1 * x_2. With this approach, we are now capable of handling much larger numbers. Many details have been omitted for clarity.

For a more in depth examination of this topic see Accurate Modular Arithmetic with Double Precision.


Returns a named/unnamed logical vector. If an index is TRUE, the number at that index is prime, otherwise the number is composite.


The maximum value for each element in vv is 25312^{53} - 1.


See Also

primeFactorize, isprime


## check the primality of a single number

## check the primality of every number in a vector

mySamp <- sample(10^13, 10)

## return named vector for easy identification
isPrimeRcpp(mySamp, namedVector = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(isPrimeRcpp(mySamp, nThreads = 2))

Apply Divisor Function to Every Element in a Range


Sieve that generates the number of divisors for every number between bound1 and bound2 (if supplied) or all numbers up to bound1. This is equivalent to applying the divisor function (often written as σ(x)\sigma(x)) to every number in a given range.


numDivisorSieve(bound1, bound2 = NULL, namedVector = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Positive integer or numeric value.


Positive integer or numeric value.


Logical flag. If TRUE, a named vector is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


Simple and efficient sieve that calculates the number of divisors for every number in a given range. This function is very useful when you need to calculate the number of divisors for many numbers.

This algorithm benefits greatly from the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The following is from

  • libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot faster.


Returns a named/unnamed integer vector


The maximum allowed value is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood



## Generate some random data
mySamp <- sample(10^6, 5*10^5)

## Generate number of divisors for
## every number less than a million
system.time(mySigmas <- numDivisorSieve(10^6))

## Now use result in algorithm
for (s in mySamp) {
    sSig <- mySigmas[s]
    ## Continue algorithm

## Generating number of divisors for every
## number in a range is no problem
system.time(sigmaRange <- numDivisorSieve(10^13, 10^13 + 10^6))

## Returning a named vector
numDivisorSieve(10, 20, namedVector = TRUE)
numDivisorSieve(10, namedVector = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(numDivisorSieve(1e5, 2e5, nThreads = 2))

S4-class for Exposing C++ Partitions Class


The Partitions class is an S4-class that exposes C++ classes that provide access to iterators and other useful methods.



Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


Joseph Wood

See Also

Combo-class, Constraints-class



Number of Partitions/Compositions


Calculate the number of partitions/compositions of a vector chosen mm at a time with or without replacement. Additionally, these functions can calculate the number of partitions of multisets.


partitionsCount(v, m = NULL, ...)
compositionsCount(v, m = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
partitionsCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
                freqs = NULL, target = NULL, ...)
## Default S3 method:
compositionsCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
                  freqs = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
partitionsCount(v, m = NULL, target = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'table'
compositionsCount(v, m = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE, ...)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. Only integer and numeric vectors are accepted.


Width of the partition. If m = NULL, the length will be determined by the partitioning case (e.g. When we are generating distinct partitions of nn, the width will be equal to the smallest mm such that sum(1:m) >= n).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether partitions/compositions should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all partitions of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Number to be partitioned. If NULL, max(v) will be used.


(Compositions only) Logical flag indicating whether to allow terms of the sequence to be zero.


A numerical value representing the total number of partitions/compositions.


When the number of results exceeds 25312^{53} - 1, a number of class bigz is returned.

See Also

partitionsGeneral, compositionsGeneral


## Same interface as partitionsGeneral
partitionsCount(25, 5)
compositionsCount(25, 5, TRUE)
partitionsCount(15, 7, TRUE)
partitionsCount(25, 5, freqs = rep(2, 25))

## Return object of class 'bigz'
partitionsCount(2500, 15, TRUE)
compositionsCount(2500, 15, TRUE)

Generate Partitions/Compositions


The algorithms in RcppAlgos go beyond the traditional integer partition algorithms and can tackle a wide variety of cases.

  • Efficient algorithms for partitioning numbers under various constraints:

    • Standard (with repetition)

    • Distinct

    • Restricted

    • Where each part has a specific multiplicity (i.e. when using freqs for multisets).

    • Arbitrary target and source vector (e.g. partitionsGeneral(sample(1000, 20), 10, TRUE, target = 5000))

  • Produce results in parallel using the nThreads arguments.

  • Alternatively, the arguments lower and upper make it possible to generate partitions/compositions in chunks allowing for parallelization via the parallel package.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of cases where the number of partitions/compositions is large.

  • The output is in lexicographical order.


partitionsGeneral(v, m = NULL, ...)
compositionsGeneral(v, m = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, target = NULL,
    lower = NULL, upper = NULL, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...
## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE,
    lower = NULL, upper = NULL, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, lower = NULL,
    upper = NULL, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE, lower = NULL,
    upper = NULL, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. Only integer and numeric vectors are accepted.


Width of the partition. If m = NULL, the length will be determined by the partitioning case (e.g. When we are generating distinct partitions of nn, the width will be equal to the smallest mm such that sum(1:m) >= n).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether partitions/compositions should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all partitions of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


The lower bound. Partitions/compositions are generated lexicographically, thus utilizing this argument will determine which specific partition to start generating from (e.g. partitionsGeneral(15, 3, lower = 6) is equivalent to partitionsGeneral(15, 3)[6:partitionsCount(15, 3), ]). This argument along with upper is very useful for generating partitions/compositions in chunks allowing for easy parallelization.


The upper bound. Similar to lower, however this parameter allows the user to stop generation at a specific partition (e.g. partitionsGeneral(15, 3, upper = 5) is equivalent to partitionsGeneral(15, 3)[1:5, ])


Number to be partitioned. If NULL, max(v) will be used.


(Compositions only) Logical flag indicating whether to allow terms of the sequence to be zero.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


A numeric value greater than or equal to zero. This parameter is utilized when a constraint is applied on a numeric vector. The default value is 0 when it can be determined that whole values are being utilized, otherwise it is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) which is approximately 1.5e81.5e-8. N.B. If the input vector is of type integer, this parameter will be ignored and strict equality will be enforced.


A matrix is returned with each row containing a vector of length mm.


  • nThreads will be ignored in the following cases (i.e. Generating the nthn^{th} partition in these cases are currently unavailable):

    • With standard multisets. If zero is the only element with a non-trivial multiplicity, multithreading is possible (e.g. partitionsGeneral(0:100, freqs = c(100, rep(1, 100)), nThreads = 4)).

    • If the source vector is not isomorphic to 1:length(v) (e.g. v = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 8)).

  • The maximum number of partitions/compositions that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1. Utilizing lower and upper makes it possible to generate additional partitions/compositions.


Joseph Wood



partitionsGeneral(-1:0, 1)
partitionsGeneral(-1:0, 1, target = -1)
partitionsGeneral(20, 5)
partitionsGeneral(20, 5, repetition = TRUE)
partitionsGeneral(20, 5, freqs = rep(1:4, 5))
partitionsGeneral(20, 5, TRUE, target = 80)
partitionsGeneral(0:10, repetition = TRUE)
partitionsGeneral(seq(2L, 500L, 23L), 5, target = 1804)

compositionsGeneral(0:10, 5, repetition = TRUE)

partitionsGeneral(sample(1000, 20), 5, TRUE, target = 2500)

system.time(one_thread  <- partitionsGeneral(80, 10, TRUE))
system.time(two_threads <- partitionsGeneral(80, 10, TRUE, nThreads = 2))
identical(one_thread, two_threads)

Partition/Composition Iterator


  • Returns an iterator for iterating over partitions/compositions of a numbers.

  • Supports random access via the [[ method.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of cases where the number of partitions/compositions is large.

  • Use the next methods to obtain results in lexicographical order.


partitionsIter(v, m = NULL, ...)
compositionsIter(v, m = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
partitionsIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE,
               freqs = NULL, target = NULL,
               nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
compositionsIter(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
                 target = NULL, weak = FALSE, nThreads = NULL,
                 tolerance = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE, nThreads = NULL, tolerance = NULL, ...



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. Only integer and numeric vectors are accepted.


Width of the partition. If m = NULL, the length will be determined by the partitioning case (e.g. When we are generating distinct partitions of nn, the width will be equal to the smallest mm such that sum(1:m) >= n).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether partitions/compositions should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all partitions of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Number to be partitioned. If NULL, max(v) will be used.


(Compositions only) Logical flag indicating whether to allow terms of the sequence to be zero.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


A numeric value greater than or equal to zero. This parameter is utilized when a constraint is applied on a numeric vector. The default value is 0 when it can be determined that whole values are being utilized, otherwise it is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) which is approximately 1.5e81.5e-8. N.B. If the input vector is of type integer, this parameter will be ignored and strict equality will be enforced.


Once you initialize a new iterator, the following methods are available:


Retrieve the next lexicographical result


Pass an integer n to retrieve the next n lexicographical results


Retrieve all remaining lexicographical results


Returns the current iteration


Resets the iterator


View the source vector


Returns a list of summary information about the iterator


Retrieve the first lexicographical result


Retrieve the last lexicographical result


Random access method. Pass a single value or a vector of valid indices. If a single value is passed, the internal index of the iterator will be updated, however if a vector is passed the internal state will not change. GMP support allows for flexible indexing.


  • If nextIter is called, a vector is returned

  • Otherwise, a matrix with mm columns


  • If nThreads is utilized, it will only take effect if the number of elements requested is greater than some threshold (determined internally). E.g:

    serial   <- partitionsIter(1000, 10)
    multi    <- partitionsIter(1000, 10, nThreads = 4)
    fetch1e6 <- multi@nextNIter(1e6)  ## much faster than serial@nextNIter(1e6)
    fetch1e3 <- multi@nextNIter(1e3)  ## only one thread used... same as serial@nextNIter(1e3)
    microbenchmark(multi@nextNIter(1e6), serial@nextNIter(1e6))
    microbenchmark(multi@nextNIter(1e3), serial@nextNIter(1e3))
  • nThreads will be ignored in the following cases (i.e. Generating the nthn^{th} partition in these cases are currently unavailable):

    • With standard multisets. If zero is the only element with a non-trivial multiplicity, multithreading is possible.

    • If the source vector is not isomorphic to 1:length(v)

  • The maximum number of partitions/compositions that can be generated at one time is 23112^{31} - 1.


Joseph Wood


See Also

partitionsGeneral, compositionsGeneral


a = partitionsIter(0:10, repetition = TRUE)
a[[c(1, 17, 3)]]

## Multisets... no random access
b = partitionsIter(40, 5, freqs = rep(1:4, 10), target = 80)

Rank Partitions/Compositions


  • Generate the rank (lexicographically) of partitions/compositions. These functions are the complement to partitions/compositionsSample. See the examples below.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of partitions/compositions of vectors with many elements.


partitionsRank(..., v, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, target = NULL)

compositionsRank(..., v, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL,
                 target = NULL, weak = FALSE)



vectors or matrices to be ranked.


Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Logical value indicating whether partitions/compositions should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all partitions of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Number to be partitioned. If NULL, max(v) will be used.


(Compositions only) Logical flag indicating whether to allow terms of the sequence to be zero.


These algorithms rely on efficiently ranking the nthn^{th} lexicographical partition.


A vector of class integer, numeric, or bigz determined by the total number of partitions/compositions


v must be supplied.


Joseph Wood


Lexicographical order ranking/unranking

See Also

partitionsSample, compositionsSample


mySamp = partitionsSample(30, 8, TRUE, n = 5, seed = 10, namedSample = TRUE)
myRank = partitionsRank(mySamp, v = 30, repetition = TRUE)
all.equal(as.integer(rownames(mySamp)), myRank)

Sample Partitions/Compositions


  • Generate a specific (lexicographically) or random sample of partitions/compositions of a number.

  • Produce results in parallel using the Parallel or nThreads arguments.

  • GMP support allows for exploration of cases where the number of partitions/compositions is large.


partitionsSample(v, m = NULL, ...)
compositionsSample(v, m = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, target = NULL,
    n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL,
    nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...
## Default S3 method:
    v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, target = NULL,
    weak = FALSE, n = NULL, sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL,
    nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...

## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...
## S3 method for class 'table'
    v, m = NULL, target = NULL, weak = FALSE, n = NULL,
    sampleVec = NULL, seed = NULL, nThreads = NULL, namedSample = FALSE, ...



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. Only integer and numeric vectors are accepted.


Width of the partition. If m = NULL, the length will be determined by the partitioning case (e.g. When we are generating distinct partitions of nn, the width will be equal to the smallest mm such that sum(1:m) >= n).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether partitions/compositions should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all partitions of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


Number to be partitioned. If NULL, max(v) will be used.


(Compositions only) Logical flag indicating whether to allow terms of the sequence to be zero.


Number of partitions/compositions to return. The default is NULL.


A vector of numbers representing the lexicographical partitions/compositions to return. Accepts vectors of class bigz as well as vectors of characters


Random seed initialization. The default is NULL. N.B. If the gmp library is needed, this parameter must be set in order to have reproducible results (E.g set.seed() has no effect in these cases).


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


Logical flag. If TRUE, rownames corresponding to the lexicographical partition, will be added to the returned matrix. The default is FALSE.


These algorithms rely on efficiently generating the nthn^{th} lexicographical partition. This is the process of unranking.


A matrix is returned with each row containing a vector of length mm.


  • partitionsSample is not available for the following cases:

    • With standard multisets. If zero is the only element with a non-trivial multiplicity, sampling is allowed (e.g. partitionsSample(0:100, freqs = c(100, rep(1, 100)), n = 2))

    • If the source vector is not isomorphic to 1:length(v) (e.g. v = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 8)).

  • n and sampleVec cannot both be NULL.


Joseph Wood



partitionsSample(100, 10, n = 5)
partitionsSample(100, 10, seed = 42, n = 5, target = 200)

## retrieve specific results (lexicographically)
partitionsCount(100, 10, TRUE, target = 500)
## [1] 175591757896
partitionsSample(100, 10, TRUE, target = 500,
                 sampleVec = c(1, 1000, 175591757896))

Prime Counting Function π(x)\pi(x)


Prime counting function for counting the prime numbers less than an integer, nn, using Legendre's formula. It is based on the the algorithm developed by Kim Walisch found here: kimwalisch/primecount.


primeCount(n, nThreads = NULL)



Positive number


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


Legendre's Formula for counting the number of primes less than nn makes use of the inclusion-exclusion principle to avoid explicitly counting every prime up to nn. It is given by:

π(x)=π(x)+Φ(x,x)1\pi(x) = \pi(\sqrt x) + \Phi(x, \sqrt x) - 1

Where Φ(x,a)\Phi(x, a) is the number of positive integers less than or equal to xx that are relatively prime to the first aa primes (i.e. not divisible by any of the first aa primes). It is given by the recurrence relation (pap_a is the athath prime (e.g. p4=7p_4 = 7)):

Φ(x,a)=Φ(x,a1)+Φ(x/pa,a1)\Phi(x, a) = \Phi(x, a - 1) + \Phi(x / p_a, a - 1)

This algorithm implements five modifications developed by Kim Walisch for calculating Φ(x,a)\Phi(x, a) efficiently.

  1. Cache results of Φ(x,a)\Phi(x, a)

  2. Calculate Φ(x,a)\Phi(x, a) using Φ(x,a)=(x/pp)ϕ(pp)+Φ(xmodpp,a)\Phi(x, a) = (x / pp) * \phi(pp) + \Phi(x mod pp, a) if a<=6a <= 6

    • pp=23...pp = 2 * 3 * ... * prime[a]

    • ϕ(pp)=(21)(31)...\phi(pp) = (2 - 1) * (3 - 1) * ... * ((prime[a] 1)- 1) (i.e. Euler's totient function)

  3. Calculate Φ(x,a)\Phi(x, a) using π(x)\pi(x) lookup table

  4. Calculate all Φ(x,a)=1\Phi(x, a) = 1 upfront

  5. Stop recursion at 66 if x>=13\sqrt x >= 13 or π(x)\pi(\sqrt x) instead of 11


Whole number representing the number of prime numbers less than or equal to nn.


The maximum value of nn is 25312^{53} - 1


Joseph Wood


See Also



## Get the number of primes less than a billion

## Using nThreads
system.time(primeCount(10^10, nThreads = 2))

Vectorized Prime Factorization


Implementation of Pollard's rho algorithm for generating the prime factorization. The algorithm is based on the "factorize.c" source file from the gmp library found here


primeFactorize(v, namedList = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Vector of integers or numeric values. Non-integral values will be cured to whole numbers.


Logical flag. If TRUE and the length(v) > 1, a named list is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


As noted in the Description section above, this algorithm is based on the "factorize.c" source code from the gmp library. Much of the code in RcppAlgos::primeFactorize is a straightforward translation from multiple precision C data types to standard C++ data types. A crucial part of the algorithm's efficiency is based on quickly determining primality, which is easily computed with gmp. However, with standard C++, this is quite challenging. Much of the research for RcppAlgos::primeFactorize was focused on developing an algorithm that could accurately and efficiently compute primality.

For more details, see the documentation for isPrimeRcpp.


  • Returns an unnamed vector if length(v) == 1 regardless of the value of namedList. If v<231v < 2^{31}, the class of the returned vector will be integer, otherwise the class will be numeric.

  • If length(v) > 1, a named/unnamed list of vectors will be returned. If max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, the class of each vector will be integer, otherwise the class will be numeric.


The maximum value for each element in vv is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood


See Also

primeFactorizeSieve, factorize


## Get the prime factorization of a single number

## Or get the prime factorization of many numbers
myVec <- sample(-1000000:1000000, 1000)
system.time(pFacs <- primeFactorize(myVec))

## Return named list
pFacsWithNames <- primeFactorize(myVec, namedList = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(primeFactorize(myVec, nThreads = 2))

Generate Prime Factorization for Numbers in a Range


Generates the prime factorization of all numbers between bound1 and bound2 (if supplied) or all numbers up to bound1.


primeFactorizeSieve(bound1, bound2 = NULL, namedList = FALSE, nThreads = NULL)



Positive integer or numeric value.


Positive integer or numeric value.


Logical flag. If TRUE, a named list is returned. The default is FALSE.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


This function is useful when many prime factorizations are needed. Instead of generating the prime factorization on the fly, one can reference the indices/names of the generated list.

This algorithm benefits greatly from the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The following is from

  • libdivide allows you to replace expensive integer divides with comparatively cheap multiplication and bitshifts. Compilers usually do this, but only when the divisor is known at compile time. libdivide allows you to take advantage of it at runtime. The result is that integer division can become faster - a lot faster.


Returns a named/unnamed list of integer vectors if max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, or a list of numeric vectors otherwise.


The maximum value for either of the bounds is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood


See Also

primeFactorize, divisorsSieve, factorize


## Generate some random data
mySamp <- sample(10^5, 5*10^4)

## Generate prime factorizations up
## to 10^5 (max element from mySamp)
system.time(allPFacs <- primeFactorizeSieve(10^5))

## Use generated prime factorization for further
## analysis by accessing the index of allPFacs
for (s in mySamp) {
    pFac <- allPFacs[[s]]
    ## Continue algorithm

## Generating prime factorizations over
## a range is efficient as well
system.time(primeFactorizeSieve(10^12, 10^12 + 10^5))

## Set 'namedList' to TRUE to return a named list
primeFactorizeSieve(27, 30, namedList = TRUE)

## Using nThreads
system.time(primeFactorizeSieve(1e4, 5e4, nThreads = 2))

Generate Prime Numbers


Implementation of the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorization. Generates all prime numbers between bound1 and bound2 (if supplied) or all primes up to bound1. See this stackoverflow post for an analysis on prime number generation efficiency in R: Generate a list of primes up to a certain number

The fundamental concepts of this algorithm are based off of the implementation by Kim Walisch found here: kimwalisch/primesieve.


primeSieve(bound1, bound2 = NULL, nThreads = NULL)



Positive integer or numeric value.


Positive integer or numeric value.


Specific number of threads to be used. The default is NULL.


At the heart of this algorithm is the traditional sieve of Eratosthenes (i.e. given a prime pp, mark all multiples of pp as composite), however instead of sieving the entire interval, we only consider small sub-intervals. The benefits of this method are two fold:

  1. Reduction of the space complexity from O(n)O(n), for the traditional sieve, to O(n)O(\sqrt n)

  2. Reduction of cache misses

The latter is of particular importance as cache memory is much more efficient and closer in proximity to the CPU than main memory. Reducing the size of the sieving interval allows for more effective utilization of the cache, which greatly impacts the overall efficiency.

Another optimization over the traditional sieve is the utilization of wheel factorization. With the traditional sieve of Eratosthenes, you typically check every odd index of your logical vector and if the value is true, you have found a prime. With wheel factorization using the first four primes (i.e. 2, 3, 5, and 7) to construct your wheel (i.e. 210 wheel), you only have to check indices of your logical vector that are coprime to 210 (i.e. the product of the first four primes). As an example, with n=10000n = 10000 and a 210 wheel, you only have to check 2285 indices vs. 5000 with the classical implementation.


Returns an integer vector if max(bound1, bound2) <231< 2^{31}, or a numeric vector otherwise.


  • It does not matter which bound is larger as the resulting primes will be between min(bound1, bound2) and max(bound1, bound2) if bound2 is provided.

  • The maximum value for either of the bounds is 25312^{53} - 1.


Joseph Wood



## Primes up to a thousand

## Primes between 42 and 17
primeSieve(42, 17)

## Equivalent to
primeSieve(17, 42)

## Primes up to one hundred million in no time

## options(scipen = 50)
## Generate large primes over interval
system.time(myPs <- primeSieve(10^13+10^6, 10^13))
## Object created is small

## Using nThreads
system.time(primeSieve(1e7, nThreads = 2))

Max Number of Concurrent Threads


Wrapper of std::thread::hardware_concurrency(). As stated by cppreference, the returned value should be considered only a hint.




An integer representing the number of concurrent threads supported by the user implementation. If the value cannot be determined, 1L is returned.

See Also


